Hamilton: Posting Due Thursday

Read the Blog “10 Reasons We Need Heroes”.

In the past few days, we have learned that epic and tragic heroes are affected by their era. Using the above blog as a cited reference, choose a hero from Greek mythology and explain why the world needs heroes, Make sure to cite both the blog and Hamilton as references.

Hint: our discussion today about oracles plays a major role in your answers.

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  1. hampizza

    Heroes are everywhere in our lives. When someone says heroes, we usually think of Superman, Batman, etc. Other times, we think of heroes as those men and women who serve and protect our country. Even within our family, our siblings and parents can be regarded as heroes. In Greek mythology, Hercules was a major hero. His heroic qualities included compassion, selflessness, and strength that was used for others. Although he made many mistakes, his character was resolute in protecting others. People need heroes because heroes are relatable to ordinary people.

  2. sarahjwilcox

    We need heroes as much as hey need us. Such as Jason from Jason and the Argonauts. We needed this hero because he was very relatable in his story. Throughout the story he is the underdog and a lot of people can really relate to an underdog character because sometimes we can feel like life’s not going the way it should be and we are the underdogs. Jason’s life was definitely not going the way he might have wanted it go such as King Pelias taking the throne in Jason’s father’s kinship instead of Jason who rightfully owned the throne. In point eight of the article “10 Reasons why we need Heroes” by Scott T. Allison and George R. Goethals it is stated that “Heroes provide dramatic, entertaining stories.” In this case it is very true for Jason and the Argonauts. Throughout his adventure he entertains us with adventure and ways to get out of trouble such as when he has to find a way through the clashing rocks. Jason sends a dove through the clashing rocks and follows the dove to safety. In point nine it says that heroes solve problems. Jason figured out the problem on how to make the three-headed dog fall asleep by playing the lyre which would take solving skills to figure out. https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/

  3. kadenheadington

    In life we look up to many people. Whether it’s real or imaginary we all admire something. Heroes play a very important role in our lives. We need heroes so we can have hope and someone to pick us up when we are down. When we are asked who our heroes are, we usually say the people that take care of us. An example of a hero that we might look up to is Jason from “Jason and the Argonauts.” Jason started out from nothing. His throne was taken away from him and he didn’t even know it. To get his throne back he goes on a journey fighting mythical creatures and knocking down anything that stood in his way. In the end he came out on top. We need heroes like Jason because he is an underdog. Underdogs give us hope that we can get through anything that stands in our path. The hero, Jason, is very important because we need someone to give us that hope and strength. Even though some heroes we look up to may not be real, they still can do powerful things in our lives. https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/

  4. kirarobbins

    We need heroes because without heroes who would we look up to. As children especially we cannot help, but think wow Jason and the Argonauts were so cool slaying hydras and going on epic journeys. Even though our own lives are plain heroes make us feel special. They give us someone we can say I want to be like him because he is cool. Another major part about heroes is they have guides and some mysterious oracle that tells them their future. Of course we would want to know our future, and we want to know what our favorite hero has coming for them. People just want to say imagine what it would be like to be Jason and be that underdog who has an oracle that tells them what will happen in the end and how they can get through their adventure. Who doesn’t want a future seeing friend after all. Overall, we need heroes because without heroes there’s no good guy to look up to, to be like and to cheer for. We need someone to place our faith in, and we need heroes.
    Hamilton, Mythology.

  5. kl1214

    We need heroes to carry out justice to those who deserve it. Without justice, surely we would all live in chaos! An example of a hero serving justice is found in Jason and the Argonauts, when Jason takes back the throne from King Pelias, something that King Pelias has stolen from him. Heroes also provide us with entertaining stories, I mean, who wouldn’t want to read a story filled with thrilling adventures and creepy oracles? Without heroes, we wouldn’t have hope, we wouldn’t have a story to tell, and we surely wouldn’t have any justice in the world. We need heroes in our lives. https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/

  6. alexharakas

    We need heroes because we need to be saved from disaster and trouble. The true modern-day incarnation of heroes are law enforcement officials, military, firefighters, paramedics, doctors and other emergency responders. Each of these valiant professions were designed to fulfill that human need of heroic interference. We need someone to protect us from the rogues of the world, firemen to rescue us from natural disaster, and medical professionals to heal our bodies because people thrive in community with one another. We see Zeus as a hero as he defeats Cronus and rescues his siblings from their father’s stomach. Zeus’s Olympian siblings are the core of the ancient Greek belief system, and his heroic act impacted the entire course of mythological history.
    Hamilton, Mythology.

  7. dmcluckey

    We need heroes in our lives, to give us hope and something to believe in. Heroes help us solve problems, and they deliver justice to people who need it. I think Jason from “Jason and the Argonauts” is a good example of a hero. Jason is almost an underdog, Where he is expected to die, but he doesn’t. Oracles also play a key role in most of the hero’s journeys in Mythology. The Oracles say something about a hero’s future, and people try to avoid it. When King Pelias takes Jason’s throne, we are rooting for Jason, because he is outmatched. Jason returns from his impossible tasks and takes the throne back. Heroes also provide us with entertaining stories, and they solve problems to give us reason to think we can be like them, and solve creative problems too. So, we need heroes, like Jason to believe in, and to give us hope.
    Hamilton, Mythology.

  8. peytonpointer

    We need heroes to admire and to look up to. Without heroes we would have no one to put our faith in. An example of a hero would be Jason from Jason and the Argonauts, when he takes back the thrown, which was rightfully his, from King Pelias. Jason acts fearlessly and he is definitely someone to look up to. Jason is a relatable character and has flaws just like anyone else. Heroes give us hope and they are people we can live vicariously through. We need heroes to help us have faith not only in others but in ourselves.
    Hamilton, Mythology

  9. taylornicholas13

    We need heroes in our lives, because they can be served as examples. The character Jason from Greek mythology for example shows us that no matter what situation we are in we can get through it. When his uncle took away his throne, he didn’t give up. Jason is also a relatable character because he comes across as an underdog. As a hero, Jason is also someone who supplies hope for this who need. Seeing what Jason has gone through they may have more faith in their situation. We need heroes in or lives to make up for all our inefficiencies. They help us strive to be better and give us hope.
    Hamilton, Mythology

  10. adriennedwyer

    Whether it is real life, or a fairy tale in a children’s book, people often look up to the heroes. Heroes unveil or missing qualities. In reality and fantasy, all heroes possess certain qualities that are needed to succeed and function in society. An example of a hero would be Hector from the Trojan War. Hector possessed qualities such as courage, valor, thoughtfulness and responsibility to his community. These qualities contributed to his several successes during the Trojan War. Although Hector was killed in battle, his character and success in leading earned the respect of the citizens of Troy. Most people wish to receive respect from their peers, their elders, and today’s youth. The story of Hector reveals qualities, such as courage, thoughtfulness, and responsibility, within ourselves that push us to properly function and succeed in society. Heroes allow us to model ourselves after their successful qualities and, in turn, propel us towards success.
    Hamilton, Mythology.

  11. kantakato1

    We need hero’s in our lives because they are people that we can look up to and they are the people that risk their lives to keep us safe. Hero’s are people that we depend on because they are the people that protect us. Wether if they are real or fake, we always see them as the people that are helping people and they are the great beings of who they are. One hero that stood out to me is Jason. Jason was the underdog that got his throne taken away. He had to go on a big journey fighting many monsters and obstacles but he fought through each one. Jason takes back his throne from King Pelias. This shows that Jason was at the bottom but he fought through and rose to the top. This gives us hope that anything is possible. https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/
    Hamilton, Mythology.

  12. dchin

    I believe that we need heroes to provide hope. Like the last thing that was left in pandora’s box, heroes offer us the hope we need when there is nothing left. Without hope mankind would be a sad, pessimistic group of individuals. Jason gives a sense of hope. Although most of the tasks seem impossible, Jason pulls through every time. He is a prime example of hope because the odds were stacked against him, but in the end, he pulls through and makes it out.
    sources: https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/
    Hamilton, Mythology

  13. angelicacastaneda

    Heroes are important in our lives because it gives us hope and they make us feel safe. Heroes can influence us on how we can transform our life. Heroes go on journeys and come out a changed man. This can influence our lives and show us that we can change and learn from our journey, whatever that may be. Some heroes are relatable to us and because they are relatable, we can believe in not only them, but ourselves as well. Jason is the most relatable because he goes on a journey to reclaim his throne. He is an underdog but in the end he successfully reclaims what is rightfully his. We need heroes like the ones shown in Mythology so we have something to look up to as examples.

    Hamilton, Mythology

  14. Amelia Navarro

    Heroes are an essential part of our own hero’s journey. They are our guide for how we live and give us our basic morals. Heroes are with us ever since we were born. We’re told stories or shown examples of legendary people who overcame the evil giving us the mindset that this is what we need to become. One such hero that is seen throughout our whole childhood is Hercules. Hercules is the definition of superhero to a little kid. He’s got the strength and charm to win over the evil. Hercules shows no fear and is up for any task that comes his way. He goes the distance no matter how crazy, yet he manages to find a way to pull through. This is a great quality found in a hero because he is the symbol of courage. Thus, Hercules is a classic hero which a lot of people look up to because of his heroic qualities. “10 Reasons why we need Heroes” by Scott T. Allison and George R. Goethals states that “we all owe whatever success we’ve had in life to the people who were there for us when we were young, vulnerable, and developing.” This displays the impact in which certain stories can affect a single person. Hercules presents a common heroic quality such as strength. Not only strength as in muscle but strength in bravery and perseverance. This is an effective story that can influence a person into living life with no fear and no regrets. https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/

  15. ashleyfabella

    Heroes are, whether fictional or real, give people a sense of hope when they look up to their hero. A hero is born through perilous journeys or overcoming obstacles in their life, but only certain heroes can make it through the cycle of what it takes to become a hero. In Greek mythology, there are many heroes; all who have overcame a very steep climax in their life. For example, Theseus was a hero who went on a daring journey to Crete to kill the Minotaur. He succeeded in killing the Minotaur and showed people it is possible to overcome any obstacle with the help of a friend. “If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.”
    Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre pg. 61
    English novelist (1816 – 1855) . Theseus would not have survived the labyrinth if it was not for Ariadne, King Minos’s daughter, but later on in his life Theseus’s final adventures were what brought his tragic end. He was a king for a short time, but he was killed by a local king who saw him as a rival. Overall, a person does not need to do the impossible to be recognized as a hero, but the person has to think about others first rather than themselves. Theseus used his cunning wits and strength to kill the Minotaur, but he also tried to reunite his kingdom and family while he was king and served his people well.
    Hamilton, Mythology

  16. loganoviatt

    Heroes are a necessity in every culture because they give us an aspiration of what we might achieve someday. The masculinity of Hercules and his dauntless courage pushes boys forward to achieve that standard. This propulsion gives a goal set in mind for the developments of yourselves, whether that be physically or morally. With the thought of our hero in our heads, we can also excel in the qualities that they lack. Heroes give us the ideal of the perfect human, and that is why they are essential.

    source: https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/

  17. hallegj

    Heroes are people that we look up to. We all need heroes in our life to give us hope. In many situations, it feels as if we have nothing going for us. This is exactly how Jason must have felt. His father had died and his cousin stole the throne. To get the throne back he had to go through a series of obstacles, which were assigned because they were thought to be impossible. However, Jason makes it through all the obstacles and back home again to regain his throne. This story gives us so much hope because it shows us that even if everything looks as if it is against you, you can still make it out on top.
    Hamilton, Mythology

  18. serrato1

    Heroes are essential in our culture because we believe heroes deliver justice. Living in a sinful world justice is not as common as it used to be, but looking at these heroes in these stories “quenches our thirst for fairness and lawfulness. As in Hercules when Hercules did something wrong usually due to his anger he gets punished or even punishes himself. Even though we pity him through his trials we feel a sense of contentedness knowing that even the most powerful man doesn’t let himself go unpunished for the wrongs he has committed. The feeling of wrongs being righted gives us a sense control and that the world is still somewhat good.
    Hamilton, Mythology

  19. kylethorin

    Heroes provide dramatic, entertaining stories. Who does not like a great story? Or a movie perhaps? How about the movie Hercules. But it does not have to be Hercules, it could be Superman, Batman, The Flash, etc. Point is, one reason why we have heroes in our culture today is to give us a entertaining story. Of course we can learn from our heroes, but when I sit down on my couch at around 10:00PM on Flash Tuesday, I do not tell myself, “I want to learn a life lesson today”, but I watch this show because it entertains me. Hercules is one of the better known heroes of Greek Mythology among all ages. Hercules is a fairy tale, it can be told as a bedtime story, or be watched as a movie: this is because we all love this hero. Super-strength, a strong will, humor… Hercules has it all. People want knowledge, but not the right type of knowledge. Most people do not read a story about a hero to learn a life lesson, but to be entertained. https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/
    Hamilton, Mythology

  20. davidanthony01

    Heroes are more like teachers. Heroes are big in so many cultures because they all inspire us to be like them; and in some cases, to be what they weren’t. An example of this is Hercules. He rules was big, strong, and he wanted to do what was righteous. Those are all qualities we could want to emulate. On the contrary, Hercules was also hot headed and responded with aggression. These are the traits you can observe and avoid in your own life. Heroes teach valuable life lessons, and inspire us to even surpass their level of achievement. This is why heroes are needed in our lives. https://blog.richmond.edu/heroes/2013/05/17/10-reasons-why-we-need-heroes/
    Hamilton, Mythology

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