Hamilton: Midas and Oedipus

The two stories for tonight reading are pretty self explanatory. So… here is a helpful hint for the reading quiz… review…. review… review. At least four questions are review from our previous mythological readings.

Don’t forget… Vocabulary 2 is due tomorrow.

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Trojan War… myth or fact? Cite a sources and back it up.

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  1. dmcluckey

    The Trojan War could be real, because they say on history.com, “…evidence of a wartime destruction of the city that may have inspired portions of the story of the Trojan War”. Excavations have shown that Troy was real, but the Trojan War may or may not have happened. Obviously the gods that were “involved” were not real. Some of the aspects did happen, so it could have been real.

  2. Amelia Navarro

    The Trojan war is likely to have happened but not for the reasons which mythology uses. These stories of Paris and the Golden Apple were probably made up in order to help explain why this war took place. “…we may not believe that incidents such as the Judgment of Paris could really have happened as told! Yet there is room to think that events which really happened (a city besieged and sacked) got mixed up with stories that helped explain why it all unfolded as it did.” The Trojan war shows evidence that it happened yet not enough to give full detail as to WHY. http://cerhas.uc.edu/troy/q404b.html

  3. kylethorin

    The Trojan War is a famous war because of their idea for hiding inside the Trojan Horse for a surprise attack, but many ask if the Trojan Horse was real, which leads to the question if the Trojan War itself was real. For example, we have no evidence of Helen or Achilles even existing. “But most scholars agree that Troy itself was no imaginary Shangri-la but a real city, and that the Trojan War indeed happened” (Lovgran Stefan NG News). Instead of the Trojan war being one long event, some historians believe that it may have been a process of several wars. With further research, historians have found two cities that could be Troy. The destruction of one city tells us that the downfall of Troy was not from the war, but in fact an earthquake. This is why the original author, Homer, may have thought of Poseidon, which can also be called the god of earthquakes, and came up with the Trojan Horse, with a horse being one of Poseidon’s symbols. On the other hand, the other city was in fact destroyed by war, but Homer’s description of the city did not match it. “‘Homer may have taken the description of Troy 6 and the destruction of Troy 7, and, using poetic license, blurred the two into one ten-year-long war…’” (Lovgran Stefan NG News).

  4. kl1214

    “The Greek epics, Hittite records, Luwian poetry, and archaeological remains provide evidence not of a single Trojan war but rather of multiple wars that were fought in the area that we identify as Troy and the Troad. As a result, the evidence for the Trojan War of Homer is tantalizing but equivocal.” http://blog.oup.com/2013/05/trojan-war-fact-or-fiction/

  5. sarahjwilcox

    Although many think many things about the Trojan war is false the war itself was true. The fact is that the war and using the hiding tactics of the Trojan horse was used and was very well used. The downfall of Troy was in fact true, but we do not know if it was from war or not. Some historians say that Troy could have fallen from a mere earthquake. http://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/trojan-war

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